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Cashew Plant

Body Scan Guidelines

• Do not listen to the recording while driving.

• As you follow along with the body scan recording, it is helpful to bring an attitude of warm,
curious interest to whatever you are noticing in your experience. This is true whether you are
sensing how a particular area of the body feels, a very active mind, sleepiness, or anything
else. There is no particular experience you are trying to have other than to be with and know
something about what is actually happening.

• Because you are not trying to have any particular experience, it isn’t a problem if you find
that your mind wanders a lot, that your concentration isn’t strong, or that no matter what you
do, thoughts keep returning to some particular event. None of this is a problem. The only
thing to do is to recognize that this is occurring and then gently and kindly return the
attention to wherever you are in the body scan.

• Keep in mind that trying to fight off unpleasant sensations, emotions, or thoughts often
results in more tension. You might instead cultivate a sense of allowing things to be as they
are. You could try softening around the unpleasant experience and see what happens. And
this doesn’t mean you need to overwhelm yourself. If you choose to check in with the
unpleasant experience, take it easy... there’s nowhere to go, nothing to “get,” you’re just
experimenting, and seeing what can be felt and known.

• Notice if you have ideas about success, failure, perfection or getting somewhere. These
thoughts are normal—and they can also get in the way of learning. The body scan is not a
skill that you are striving to perfect.

• Notice if you have expectations about what the body scan will do for you, and allow it to
function as a seed that you are planting. This seed will eventually grow to become a life lived
with more awareness and freedom to choose appropriate behaviors. In order to cultivate it,
you only have to give it the proper conditions: time to devote to yourself, regular and
frequent practice, and privacy and quiet. There’s no need to control the effects of the body

• The two most important guidelines are: just practice. You don’t have to feel a particular way
during or after the practice, nor do you have to “like” the body scan. The most important
thing is to simply practice. Acknowledging the commitment you’ve made to care of yourself
in this way is by far the most important thing. You might remind yourself of your intention
for learning and practicing mindfulness. To whatever degree possible, trust that this
intention will carry you forward.

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